For over 40 years, Dr. Field has relied upon his diagnostic skills to best understand and treat mental health problems. While most therapists do not possess the training to utilize psychological tests, these provide the greatest information about learning disabilities, ADHD autismand other issues affecting children and adolescents. Only utilizing necessary diagnostic tools, most diagnostic assessments can be completed with an initial interview, 2-3 hours of diagnostic testing and discussion of results.
Many families struggle with their child's learning, attentional and behavioral problems. With a formal diagnostic assessment, the inaccuracy of rating scales is eliminated and clear differential diagnosis is clear. Specific testing provides clear diagnosis and treatment options.
With the added academic, family and social stresses, many children are stressed beyond their capacity. Memory problems, learning and retrieval issues are frequently thought to be ADHD but instead are symptoms of anxiety.
With high expectations and stress comes a sense of failure and despair. Children, adolescents and adults experience a lack of focus and desire, suicidal thoughts and withdrawal from others. Depression can have physiological components as well as physical ones.
With easy access to alcohol and drugs, many seek pleasure and relief through abuse. In the last years, gaming addiction has become a major cause of academic failure, family conflict and withdrawal.
Parents try their best to raise children in an intelligent, kind and passionate way. Unfortunately, many of us learned parenting from what we experienced or attempts to avoid what we went through. We get "hooked" emotionally and don't react in a manner that helps our kids. Dr. Field's expertise as a psychologist and father of 4 is based on understanding family dynamics and how individual's problems are involved.
Diagnostic assessments include the initial interview, diagnostic tests (when necessary),results and treatment formulation and comprehensive report for $2250. Many insurance companies will reimburse for necessary diagnostic services.
An initial 45-minute determines if testing is necessary.
Further treatment sessions are $22/ 45 minutes.
PPO Insurance may cover a portion of the cost of assessment and treatment.
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