Once you have booked the initial appointment, Dr. Field will meet with you to focus on your concerns and understand the background and history to develop an initial treatment plan
Based on information provided and Dr. Field's assessment, he will discuss a recommended treatment plan and seek your agreement.
Whether for a child, adolescent or adult, treatment is based on your needs. Dr. Field will provide assistance as agreed upon. Sessions are 45 minutes. Weekly sessions are most effective but discuss your needs with him. Quest Therapeutic Camp also provides highly effective treatment for many issues.
Dr. Field's fee-$225/45 minutes for assessment, individual and family therapy.
Dr. Field is a preferred provider for Beacon/Value Options insurance. Families with this coverage will only be responsible for a co-pay.
Dr Field is not a member of any other networks.
PPO Insurance companies do provide reimbursement for mental health services. Every insurance reimburses differently so payment is expected at the time of each visit. You can register your credit card securely in our online billing/scheduling system at: https://drbobfield.clientsecure.me
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